
The PyAnsys Geometry sketch subpackage is used to build 2D basic shapes. Shapes consist of two fundamental constructs:

  • Edge: A connection between two or more 2D points along a particular path. An edge represents an open shape such as an arc or line.

  • Face: A set of edges that enclose a surface. A face represents a closed shape such as a circle or triangle.

To initialize a sketch, you first specify the Plane() class, which represents the plane in space from which other PyAnsys Geometry objects can be located.

This code shows how to initialize a sketch:

from ansys.geometry.core.sketch import Sketch

sketch = Sketch()

You then construct a sketch, which can be done using different approaches.

Functional-style API#

A functional-style API is sometimes called a fluent functional-style api or fluent API in the developer community. However, to avoid confusion with the Ansys Fluent product, the PyAnsys Geometry documentation refrains from using the latter terms.

One of the key features of a functional-style API is that it keeps an active context based on the previously created edges to use as a reference starting point for additional objects.

The following code creates a sketch with its origin as a starting point. Subsequent calls create segments, which take as a starting point the last point of the previous edge.

from ansys.geometry.core.math import Point2D

sketch.segment_to_point(Point2D([3, 3]), "Segment2").segment_to_point(
    Point2D([3, 2]), "Segment3"

A functional-style API is also able to get a desired shape of the sketch object by taking advantage of user-defined labels:


Direct API#

A direct API is sometimes called an element-based approach in the developer community.

This code shows how you can use a direct API to create multiple elements independently and combine them all together in a single plane:

    Point2D([-10, 10]), Point2D([5, 6]), Point2D([-10, -10]), tag="triangle2"

For more information on sketch shapes, see the Sketch() subpackage.