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Modeling: Body color assignment and usage#

In PyAnsys Geometry, a body represents solids or surfaces organized within the Design assembly. As users might be already familiar with, Ansys CAD products (like SpaceClaim, Ansys Discovery and the Geometry Service), allow to assign colors to bodies. This example shows how to assign colors to a body, retrieve their value and how to use them in the client-side visualization.

Perform required imports#

Perform the required imports.

import ansys.geometry.core as pyansys_geometry

from ansys.geometry.core import Modeler
from ansys.geometry.core.math import Point2D, UNITVECTOR3D_X, UNITVECTOR3D_Y
from ansys.geometry.core.sketch import Sketch

Create a box sketch#

Create a Sketch instance and insert a box sketch with a width and height of 10 in the default plane.

sketch = Sketch()[0, 0]), 10, 10)
<ansys.geometry.core.sketch.sketch.Sketch at 0x1b27989d460>

Initiate design on server#

Establish a server connection and initiate a design on the server.

modeler = Modeler()
design = modeler.create_design("ServiceColors")

Extrude the box sketch to create the matrix style design#

Given our initial sketch, we will extrude it to create a matrix style design. We will create a 2x3 matrix of bodies. Each body will be separated by 30 units in the X direction and 30 units in the Y direction. We will have a total of 6 bodies.

translate = [[0, 30, 60], [0, 30, 60]]

for r_idx, row in enumerate(translate):
    comp = design.add_component(f"Component{r_idx}")

    for b_idx, dist in enumerate(row):
        body = comp.extrude_sketch(f"Component{r_idx}_Body{b_idx}", sketch, distance=10)
        body.translate(UNITVECTOR3D_Y, r_idx*30)
        body.translate(UNITVECTOR3D_X, dist)


Assign colors to the bodies#

Given our previous design, we will assign a color to each body. We will assign a different color to each one of them. We could have done this assignment while creating the bodies, but we will do it now for the sake of encapsulating the color assignment logic.

colors = [["red", "blue", "yellow"], ["orange", "green", "purple"]]

for c_idx, comp in enumerate(design.components):
    for b_idx, body in enumerate(comp.bodies):
        body.color = colors[c_idx][b_idx]
        print(f"Body {} has color {body.color}")
Body Component0_Body0 has color #ff0000
Body Component0_Body1 has color #0000ff
Body Component0_Body2 has color #ffff00
Body Component1_Body0 has color #ffa500
Body Component1_Body1 has color #008000
Body Component1_Body2 has color #800080

Plotting the design with colors#

By default, the plot method will not use the colors assigned to the bodies. To plot the design with the assigned colors, we need to specifically request it.

Users have two options for plotting with the assigned colors:

  • Pass the parameter use_service_colors=True to the plot method.

  • Set the global parameter USE_SERVICE_COLORS to True.

It is important to note that the usage of colors when plotting might slow down the plotting process, as it requires additional information to be sent from the server to the client and processed in the client side.

If we just request the plot without setting the global parameter, the plot will be displayed without the colors, as shown below.


As stated previously, if we pass the parameter use_service_colors=True to the plot method, the plot will be displayed with the assigned colors.


However, if we set the global parameter to True, the plot will be displayed with the assigned colors without the need to pass the parameter to the plot method.

import ansys.geometry.core as pyansys_geometry

pyansys_geometry.USE_SERVICE_COLORS = True


# Reverting the global parameter to its default value
pyansys_geometry.USE_SERVICE_COLORS = False

This last method is useful when the user wants to plot all the designs with the assigned colors without the need to pass the parameter to the plot method in every call.

Plotting specific bodies or components with colors#

If the user wants to plot specific bodies with the assigned colors, the user can follow the same approach as before. The user can pass the parameter use_service_colors=True to the plot method or set the global parameter USE_SERVICE_COLORS to True.

In the following examples, we will just demonstrate how to do this using the use_service_colors=True parameter.

Let’s plot the first body of the first component with the assigned colors.

body = design.components[0].bodies[0]


Now, let’s plot the second component with the assigned colors.

comp = design.components[1]


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