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Modeling: Chamfer edges and faces#

A chamfer is an angled cut on an edge. Chamfers can be created using the Modeler.geometry_commands module.

Create a block#

Launch the modeler and create a block.

from ansys.geometry.core import launch_modeler, Modeler

modeler = Modeler()
Ansys Geometry Modeler (0x2209c24c1a0)

Ansys Geometry Modeler Client (0x2209576bd70)
  Connection: Healthy
from ansys.geometry.core.sketch import Sketch
from ansys.geometry.core.math import Point2D

design = modeler.create_design("chamfer_block")
body = design.extrude_sketch("block", Sketch().box(Point2D([0, 0]), 1, 1), 1)


Chamfer edges#

Create a uniform chamfer on all edges of the block.

modeler.geometry_commands.chamfer(body.edges, distance=0.1)


Chamfer faces#

The chamfer of a face can also be modified. Create a chamfer on a single edge and then modify the chamfer distance value by providing the newly created face that represents the chamfer.

body = design.extrude_sketch("box", Sketch().box(Point2D([0,0]), 1, 1), 1)

modeler.geometry_commands.chamfer(body.edges[0], distance=0.1)

modeler.geometry_commands.chamfer(body.faces[-1], distance=0.3)


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