
class ansys.geometry.core.math.matrix.Matrix(shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0, strides=None, order=None)#

Bases: numpy.ndarray

Provides matrix representation.

inputndarray | RealSequence

Matrix arguments as a np.ndarray class.



Get the determinant of the matrix.


Provide the inverse of the matrix.


Get the multiplication of the matrix.


Equals operator for the Matrix class.


Not equals operator for the Matrix class.

Import detail#

from ansys.geometry.core.math.matrix import Matrix

Method detail#

Matrix.determinant() ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real#

Get the determinant of the matrix.

Matrix.inverse() Matrix#

Provide the inverse of the matrix.

Matrix.__mul__(other: Matrix | numpy.ndarray) Matrix#

Get the multiplication of the matrix.

Matrix.__eq__(other: Matrix) bool#

Equals operator for the Matrix class.

Matrix.__ne__(other: Matrix) bool#

Not equals operator for the Matrix class.