.. _ref_release_notes: Release notes ############# This document contains the release notes for the PyAnsys Geometry project. .. vale off .. towncrier release notes start `0.6.5 `_ - 2024-07-02 ===================================================================================== Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.6.4 `#1278 `_ - build: update sphinx-autodoc-typehints version `#1280 `_ - chore: update SECURITY.md `#1286 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: manifest path should render as posix rather than uri `#1289 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump protobuf from 5.27.1 to 5.27.2 in the grpc-deps group `#1283 `_ - build: bump scipy from 1.13.1 to 1.14.0 `#1284 `_ - build: bump vtk from 9.3.0 to 9.3.1 `#1287 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - chore: pre-commit automatic update `#1281 `_, `#1288 `_ `0.6.4 `_ - 2024-06-24 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: using ruff as the main linter/formatter `#1274 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.6.3 `#1273 `_ - chore: bump pre-commit-hook version `#1276 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: backticks breaking doc build after ruff linter `#1275 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump pint from 0.24 to 0.24.1 `#1277 `_ `0.6.3 `_ - 2024-06-18 ===================================================================================== Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.6.2 `#1263 `_ - build: adapting to numpy 2.x `#1265 `_ - docs: using ansys actions (again) to build docs `#1270 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: unnecessary Point3D comparison `#1264 `_ - docs: examples are not being uploaded as assets (.py/.ipynb) `#1268 `_ - fix: change action order `#1269 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump numpy from 1.26.4 to 2.0.0 `#1266 `_ - build: bump the docs-deps group with 2 updates `#1271 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - chore: pre-commit automatic update `#1267 `_ `0.6.2 `_ - 2024-06-17 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: deprecating log_level and logs_folder + adding client log control `#1260 `_ - feat: adding deprecation support for args and methods `#1261 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.6.1 `#1256 `_ - ci: simplify doc build using ansys/actions `#1262 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: Rename built in shadowing variables `#1257 `_ `0.6.1 `_ - 2024-06-12 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: revolve a sketch given an axis and an origin `#1248 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.6.0 `#1245 `_ - chore: update dev version to 0.7.dev0 `#1246 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: Bug in `show` function `#1255 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump protobuf from 5.27.0 to 5.27.1 in the grpc-deps group `#1250 `_ - build: bump the docs-deps group with 2 updates `#1251 `_ - build: bump trame-vtk from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 `#1252 `_ - build: bump pint from 0.23 to 0.24 `#1253 `_ - build: bump ansys-tools-visualization-interface from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 `#1254 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - docs: add conda information for package `#1247 `_ `0.6.0 `_ - 2024-06-07 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: Adapt to ansys-visualizer `#959 `_ - fix: rename ``GeomPlotter`` to ``GeometryPlotter`` `#1227 `_ - refactor: use ansys-tools-visualization-interface global vars rather than env vars `#1230 `_ - feat: bump to use v251 as default `#1242 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.5.6 `#1213 `_ - chore: update SECURITY.md `#1214 `_ - ci: use Trusted Publisher for releasing package `#1216 `_ - ci: remove pygeometry-ci-1 specific logic `#1221 `_ - ci: only run doc build on runners outside the ansys network `#1223 `_ - chore: pre-commit automatic update `#1224 `_ - ci: announce nightly workflows failing `#1237 `_ - ci: failing notifications improvement `#1243 `_ - fix: broken interactive docs and improved tests paths `#1244 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: Interactive documentation `#1226 `_ - fix: only notify on failure and fill with data `#1238 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump protobuf from 5.26.1 to 5.27.0 in the grpc-deps group `#1217 `_ - build: bump panel from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 in the docs-deps group `#1218 `_ - build: bump ansys-api-geometry from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2 `#1219 `_ - build: bump ansys-sphinx-theme[autoapi] from 0.16.2 to 0.16.5 in the docs-deps group `#1231 `_ - build: bump requests from 2.32.2 to 2.32.3 `#1232 `_ - build: bump ansys-api-geometry from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3 `#1233 `_ - build: bump ansys-tools-visualization-interface from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 `#1234 `_ - build: bump panel from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 in the docs-deps group `#1235 `_ - build: bump ansys-tools-path from 0.5.2 to 0.6.0 `#1236 `_ - build: bump grpcio from 1.64.0 to 1.64.1 in the grpc-deps group `#1239 `_ - build: bump ansys-api-geometry from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4 `#1240 `_ - build: bump pytest from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2 `#1241 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - docs: update AUTHORS `#1222 `_ `0.5.6 `_ - 2024-05-23 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: add new arc constructors `#1208 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.5.5 `#1205 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.2 `#1204 `_ - build: bump ansys-sphinx-theme[autoapi] from 0.16.0 to 0.16.2 in the docs-deps group `#1210 `_ - build: bump docker from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 `#1211 `_ - build: bump scipy from 1.13.0 to 1.13.1 `#1212 `_ `0.5.5 `_ - 2024-05-21 ===================================================================================== Changed ^^^^^^^ - docs: adapt ``ansys_sphinx_theme_autoapi`` extension for ``autoapi`` `#1135 `_ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.5.4 `#1194 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: adapting ``Arc`` class constructor order to (start, end, center) `#1196 `_ - chore: limit requests library version under 2.32 `#1203 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump grpcio from 1.63.0 to 1.64.0 in the grpc-deps group `#1198 `_ - build: bump the docs-deps group with 2 updates `#1199 `_ - build: bump pytest from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1 `#1200 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - chore: pre-commit automatic update `#1202 `_ `0.5.4 `_ - 2024-05-15 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: allow for ``product_version`` on geometry service launcher function `#1182 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.5.3 `#1177 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump the docs-deps group with 4 updates `#1178 `_ - build: bump pytest from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0 `#1179 `_ - build: bump grpcio from 1.62.2 to 1.63.0 in the grpc-deps group `#1186 `_ - build: bump the docs-deps group with 2 updates `#1187 `_ - build: bump trame-vtk from 2.8.6 to 2.8.7 `#1188 `_ - build: bump nbsphinx from 0.9.3 to 0.9.4 in the docs-deps group `#1189 `_ - build: bump trame-vtk from 2.8.7 to 2.8.8 `#1190 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - chore: pre-commit automatic update `#1180 `_, `#1193 `_ - docs: add geometry preparation for Fluent simulation `#1183 `_ `0.5.3 `_ - 2024-04-29 ===================================================================================== Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: semver intersphinx mapping not resolved properly `#1175 `_ - fix: start and end points for edge `#1176 `_ `0.5.2 `_ - 2024-04-29 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: add semver to intersphinx `#1173 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.5.1 `#1165 `_ - chore: bump version to v0.6.dev0 `#1166 `_ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.5.2 `#1172 `_ - fix: allow to reuse last release binaries (if requested) `#1174 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: GetSurface and GetCurve not available prior to 24R2 `#1171 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - docs: creating a NACA airfoil example `#1167 `_ - docs: simplify README example `#1169 `_ `0.5.1 `_ - 2024-04-24 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: security updates dropped for v0.3 or earlier `#1126 `_ - feat: add ``export_to`` functions `#1147 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - ci: adapt to vale ``v3`` `#1129 `_ - ci: bump ansys/actions from 5 to 6 in the actions group `#1133 `_ - docs: add release notes in our documentation `#1138 `_ - chore: bump ansys pre-commit hook to ``v0.3.0`` `#1139 `_ - chore: use default vale version `#1140 `_ - docs: add ``user_agent`` to Sphinx build `#1142 `_ - ci: enabling Linux tests missing `#1152 `_ - ci: perform minimal requirements tests `#1153 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - fix: docs link in example `#1137 `_ - fix: update backend version message `#1145 `_ - fix: Trame issues `#1148 `_ - fix: Interactive documentation `#1160 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump ansys-tools-path from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 `#1131 `_ - build: bump the grpc-deps group across 1 directory with 3 updates `#1156 `_ - build: bump notebook from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 in the docs-deps group `#1157 `_ - build: bump beartype from 0.18.2 to 0.18.5 `#1158 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - docs: add example on exporting designs `#1149 `_ - docs: fix link in `CHANGELOG.md` `#1154 `_ - chore: pre-commit automatic update `#1159 `_ `0.5.0 `_ - 2024-04-17 ===================================================================================== Added ^^^^^ - feat: inserting document into existing design `#930 `_ - feat: add changelog action `#1023 `_ - feat: create a sphere body on the backend `#1035 `_ - feat: mirror a body `#1055 `_ - feat: sweeping chains and profiles `#1056 `_ - feat: vulnerability checks `#1071 `_ - feat: loft profiles `#1075 `_ - feat: accept bandit advisories in-line for subprocess `#1077 `_ - feat: adding containers to automatic launcher `#1090 `_ - feat: minor changes to Linux Dockerfile `#1111 `_ - feat: avoid error if folder exists `#1125 `_ Changed ^^^^^^^ - build: changing sphinx-autoapi from 3.1.a2 to 3.1.a4 `#1038 `_ - chore: add pre-commit.ci configuration `#1065 `_ - chore: dependabot PR automatic approval `#1067 `_ - ci: bump the actions group with 1 update `#1082 `_ - chore: update docker tags to be kept `#1085 `_ - chore: update pre-commit versions `#1094 `_ - build: use ansys-sphinx-theme autoapi target `#1097 `_ - fix: removing @PipKat from ``*.md`` files - changelog fragments `#1098 `_ - ci: dashboard upload does not apply anymore `#1099 `_ - chore: pre-commit.ci not working properly `#1108 `_ - chore: update and adding pre-commit.ci config hook `#1109 `_ - ci: main Python version update to 3.12 `#1112 `_ - ci: skip Linux tests with common approach `#1113 `_ - ci: build changelog on release `#1118 `_ - chore: update CHANGELOG for v0.5.0 `#1119 `_ Fixed ^^^^^ - feat: re-enable open file on Linux `#817 `_ - fix: adapt export and download tests to new hoops `#1057 `_ - fix: linux Dockerfile - replace .NET6.0 references by .NET8.0 `#1069 `_ - fix: misleading docstring for sweep_chain() `#1070 `_ - fix: prepare_and_start_backend is only available on Windows `#1076 `_ - fix: unit tests failing after dms update `#1087 `_ - build: beartype upper limit on v0.18 `#1095 `_ - fix: improper types being passed for Face and Edge ctor. `#1096 `_ - fix: return type should be dict and not ``ScalarMapContainer`` (grpc type) `#1103 `_ - fix: env version for Dockerfile Windows `#1120 `_ - fix: changelog description ill-formatted `#1121 `_ - fix: solve issues with intersphinx when releasing `#1123 `_ Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - build: bump the docs-deps group with 2 updates `#1062 `_, `#1093 `_, `#1105 `_ - build: bump ansys-api-geometry from 0.3.13 to 0.4.0 `#1066 `_ - build: bump the docs-deps group with 1 update `#1080 `_ - build: bump pytest-cov from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 `#1081 `_ - build: bump ansys-api-geometry from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1 `#1092 `_ - build: bump beartype from 0.17.2 to 0.18.2 `#1106 `_ - build: bump ansys-tools-path from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 `#1107 `_ - build: bump panel from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 in the docs-deps group `#1114 `_ - build: bump scipy from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 `#1115 `_ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate `#1063 `_ - docs: add examples on new methods `#1089 `_ - chore: pre-commit automatic update `#1116 `_ .. vale on