:class:`PrepareTools` ===================== .. py:class:: ansys.geometry.core.tools.prepare_tools.PrepareTools(grpc_client: ansys.geometry.core.connection.GrpcClient) Prepare tools for PyAnsys Geometry. :Parameters: **grpc_client** : :obj:`GrpcClient` Active supporting geometry service instance for design modeling. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:currentmodule:: PrepareTools Overview -------- .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Methods .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~extract_volume_from_faces` - Extract a volume from input faces. * - :py:attr:`~extract_volume_from_edge_loops` - Extract a volume from input edge loops. * - :py:attr:`~share_topology` - Share topology between the chosen bodies. Import detail ------------- .. code-block:: python from ansys.geometry.core.tools.prepare_tools import PrepareTools Method detail ------------- .. py:method:: extract_volume_from_faces(sealing_faces: list[ansys.geometry.core.designer.face.Face], inside_faces: list[ansys.geometry.core.designer.face.Face]) -> list[ansys.geometry.core.designer.body.Body] Extract a volume from input faces. Creates a volume (typically a flow volume) from a list of faces that seal the volume and one or more faces that define the wetted surface (inside faces of the solid). :Parameters: **sealing_faces** : :class:`python:list`\[:obj:`Face`] List of faces that seal the volume. **inside_faces** : :class:`python:list`\[:obj:`Face`] List of faces that define the interior of the solid. :Returns: :class:`python:list`\[:obj:`Body`] List of created bodies. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: extract_volume_from_edge_loops(sealing_edges: list[ansys.geometry.core.designer.edge.Edge], inside_faces: list[ansys.geometry.core.designer.face.Face]) -> list[ansys.geometry.core.designer.body.Body] Extract a volume from input edge loops. Creates a volume (typically a flow volume) from a list of edge loops that seal the volume. and one or more faces that define the wetted surface (inside faces of the solid). :Parameters: **sealing_edges** : :class:`python:list`\[:obj:`Edge`] List of faces that seal the volume. **inside_faces** : :class:`python:list`\[:obj:`Face`] List of faces that define the interior of the solid (Not always necessary). :Returns: :class:`python:list`\[:obj:`Body`] List of created bodies. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: share_topology(bodies: list[ansys.geometry.core.designer.body.Body], tol: ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real = 0.0, preserve_instances: bool = False) -> bool Share topology between the chosen bodies. :Parameters: **bodies** : :class:`python:list`\[:obj:`Body`] List of bodies to share topology between. **tol** : :obj:`Real` Maximum distance between bodies. **preserve_instances** : :ref:`bool ` Whether instances are preserved. :Returns: :ref:`bool ` ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if failed. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!