:class:`Arc` ============ .. py:class:: ansys.geometry.core.sketch.arc.Arc(start: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, end: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, center: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, clockwise: bool = False) Bases: :py:obj:`ansys.geometry.core.sketch.edge.SketchEdge` Provides for modeling an arc. :Parameters: **start** : :obj:`Point2D` Starting point of the arc. **end** : :obj:`Point2D` Ending point of the arc. **center** : :obj:`Point2D` Center point of the arc. **clockwise** : :ref:`bool `, default: :data:`python:False` Whether the arc spans the clockwise angle between the start and end points. When ``False`` (default), the arc spans the counter-clockwise angle. When ``True``, the arc spands the clockwise angle. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:currentmodule:: Arc Overview -------- .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Constructors .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~from_three_points` - Create an arc from three given points. * - :py:attr:`~from_start_end_and_radius` - Create an arc from a starting point, an ending point, and a radius. * - :py:attr:`~from_start_center_and_angle` - Create an arc from a starting point, a center point, and an angle. .. tab-item:: Properties .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~start` - Starting point of the arc line. * - :py:attr:`~end` - Ending point of the arc line. * - :py:attr:`~center` - Center point of the arc. * - :py:attr:`~length` - Length of the arc. * - :py:attr:`~radius` - Radius of the arc. * - :py:attr:`~angle` - Angle of the arc. * - :py:attr:`~is_clockwise` - Flag indicating whether the rotation of the angle is clockwise. * - :py:attr:`~sector_area` - Area of the sector of the arc. * - :py:attr:`~visualization_polydata` - VTK polydata representation for PyVista visualization. .. tab-item:: Attributes .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~to_start_vector` - * - :py:attr:`~to_end_vector` - .. tab-item:: Special methods .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~__eq__` - Equals operator for the ``Arc`` class. * - :py:attr:`~__ne__` - Not equals operator for the ``Arc`` class. Import detail ------------- .. code-block:: python from ansys.geometry.core.sketch.arc import Arc Property detail --------------- .. py:property:: start :type: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D Starting point of the arc line. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: end :type: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D Ending point of the arc line. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: center :type: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D Center point of the arc. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: length :type: pint.Quantity Length of the arc. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: radius :type: pint.Quantity Radius of the arc. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: angle :type: pint.Quantity Angle of the arc. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: is_clockwise :type: bool Flag indicating whether the rotation of the angle is clockwise. :Returns: :ref:`bool ` ``True`` if the sense of rotation is clockwise. ``False`` if the sense of rotation is counter-clockwise. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: sector_area :type: pint.Quantity Area of the sector of the arc. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:property:: visualization_polydata :type: pyvista.PolyData VTK polydata representation for PyVista visualization. :Returns: :obj:`pyvista.PolyData` VTK pyvista.Polydata configuration. .. rubric:: Notes The representation lies in the X/Y plane within the standard global Cartesian coordinate system. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Attribute detail ---------------- .. py:attribute:: to_start_vector .. py:attribute:: to_end_vector Method detail ------------- .. py:method:: __eq__(other: Arc) -> bool Equals operator for the ``Arc`` class. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: __ne__(other: Arc) -> bool Not equals operator for the ``Arc`` class. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: from_three_points(start: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, inter: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, end: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D) :classmethod: Create an arc from three given points. :Parameters: **start** : :obj:`Point2D` Starting point of the arc. **inter** : :obj:`Point2D` Intermediate point (location) of the arc. **end** : :obj:`Point2D` Ending point of the arc. :Returns: :obj:`Arc` Arc generated from the three points. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: from_start_end_and_radius(start: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, end: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, radius: pint.Quantity | ansys.geometry.core.misc.measurements.Distance | ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, convex_arc: bool = False, clockwise: bool = False) :classmethod: Create an arc from a starting point, an ending point, and a radius. :Parameters: **start** : :obj:`Point2D` Starting point of the arc. **end** : :obj:`Point2D` Ending point of the arc. **radius** : :obj:`~pint.Quantity` | :obj:`Distance` | :obj:`Real` Radius of the arc. **convex_arc** : :ref:`bool `, default: :data:`python:False` Whether the arc is convex. The default is ``False``. When ``False``, the arc is concave. When ``True``, the arc is convex. **clockwise** : :ref:`bool `, default: :data:`python:False` Whether the arc spans the clockwise angle between the start and end points. When ``False``, the arc spans the counter-clockwise angle. When ``True``, the arc spands the clockwise angle. :Returns: :obj:`Arc` Arc generated from the three points. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: from_start_center_and_angle(start: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, center: ansys.geometry.core.math.point.Point2D, angle: ansys.geometry.core.misc.measurements.Angle | pint.Quantity | ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, clockwise: bool = False) :classmethod: Create an arc from a starting point, a center point, and an angle. :Parameters: **start** : :obj:`Point2D` Starting point of the arc. **center** : :obj:`Point2D` Center point of the arc. **angle** : :obj:`Angle` | :obj:`~pint.Quantity` | :obj:`Real` Angle of the arc. **clockwise** : :ref:`bool `, default: :data:`python:False` Whether the provided angle should be considered clockwise. When ``False``, the angle is considered counter-clockwise. When ``True``, the angle is considered clockwise. :Returns: :obj:`Arc` Arc generated from the three points. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!