The ```` module ======================== .. py:module:: ansys.geometry.core.logger Summary ------- .. py:currentmodule:: logger .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Classes .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~ansys.geometry.core.logger.PyGeometryCustomAdapter` - Keeps the reference to the Geometry service instance name dynamic. * - :py:obj:`~ansys.geometry.core.logger.PyGeometryPercentStyle` - Provides a common messaging style. * - :py:obj:`~ansys.geometry.core.logger.PyGeometryFormatter` - Provides a ``Formatter`` class for overwriting default format styles. * - :py:obj:`~ansys.geometry.core.logger.InstanceFilter` - Ensures that the ``instance_name`` record always exists. * - :py:obj:`~ansys.geometry.core.logger.Logger` - Provides the logger used for each PyAnsys Geometry session. .. tab-item:: Functions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~addfile_handler` - Add a file handler to the input. * - :py:obj:`~add_stdout_handler` - Add a standout handler to the logger. .. tab-item:: Attributes .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~string_to_loglevel` - .. tab-item:: Constants .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~LOG_LEVEL` - * - :py:obj:`~FILE_NAME` - * - :py:obj:`~DEBUG` - * - :py:obj:`~INFO` - * - :py:obj:`~WARN` - * - :py:obj:`~ERROR` - * - :py:obj:`~CRITICAL` - * - :py:obj:`~STDOUT_MSG_FORMAT` - * - :py:obj:`~FILE_MSG_FORMAT` - * - :py:obj:`~DEFAULT_STDOUT_HEADER` - * - :py:obj:`~DEFAULT_FILE_HEADER` - * - :py:obj:`~NEW_SESSION_HEADER` - * - :py:obj:`~LOG` - .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: PyGeometryCustomAdapter PyGeometryPercentStyle PyGeometryFormatter InstanceFilter Logger Description ----------- Provides a general framework for logging in PyAnsys Geometry. This module is built on the `Logging facility for Python `_. It is not intended to replace the standard Python logging library but rather provide a way to interact between its ``logging`` class and PyAnsys Geometry. The loggers used in this module include the name of the instance, which is intended to be unique. This name is printed in all active outputs and is used to track the different Geometry service instances. Logger usage ------------ Global logger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a global logger named ``PyAnsys_Geometry_global`` that is created when ``ansys.geometry.core.__init__`` is called. If you want to use this global logger, you must call it at the top of your module: .. code:: python from ansys.geometry.core import LOG You can rename this logger to avoid conflicts with other loggers (if any): .. code:: python from ansys.geometry.core import LOG as logger The default logging level of ``LOG`` is ``ERROR``. You can change this level and output lower-level messages with this code: .. code:: python LOG.logger.setLevel("DEBUG") LOG.file_handler.setLevel("DEBUG") # If present. LOG.stdout_handler.setLevel("DEBUG") # If present. Alternatively, you can ensure that all the handlers are set to the input log level with this code: .. code:: python LOG.setLevel("DEBUG") This logger does not log to a file by default. If you want, you can add a file handler with this code: .. code:: python import os file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "pyansys-geometry.log") LOG.log_to_file(file_path) This also sets the logger to be redirected to this file. If you want to change the characteristics of this global logger from the beginning of the execution, you must edit the ``__init__`` file in the directory ``ansys.geometry.core``. To log using this logger, call the desired method as a normal logger with: .. code:: pycon >>> import logging >>> from ansys.geometry.core.logging import Logger >>> LOG = Logger(level=logging.DEBUG, to_file=False, to_stdout=True) >>> LOG.debug("This is LOG debug message.") DEBUG - - - - This is LOG debug message. Instance logger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every time an instance of the :class:`Modeler ` class is created, a logger is created and stored in ``LOG._instances``. This field is a dictionary where the key is the name of the created logger. These instance loggers inherit the ``PyAnsys_Geometry_global`` output handlers and logging level unless otherwise specified. The way this logger works is very similar to the global logger. If you want to add a file handler, you can use the :meth:`log_to_file() ` method. If you want to change the log level, you can use the :meth:`~logging.Logger.setLevel` method. Here is an example of how you can use this logger: .. code:: pycon >>> from ansys.geometry.core import Modeler >>> modeler = Modeler() >>>"This is a useful message") INFO - GRPC_127.0.0.1:50056 - <...> - - This is a useful message Other loggers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can create your own loggers using a Python ``logging`` library as you would do in any other script. There would be no conflicts between these loggers. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module detail ------------- .. py:function:: addfile_handler(logger, filename=FILE_NAME, level=LOG_LEVEL, write_headers=False) Add a file handler to the input. :Parameters: **logger** : :obj:`logging.Logger` Logger to add the file handler to. **filename** : :class:`python:str`, default: "pyansys-geometry.log" Name of the output file. **level** : :class:`python:int`, default: 10 Level of logging. The default is ``10``, in which case the ``logging.DEBUG`` level is used. **write_headers** : :ref:`bool `, default: :data:`python:False` Whether to write the headers to the file. :Returns: :obj:`Logger` :class:`Logger` or :class:`logging.Logger` object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: add_stdout_handler(logger, level=LOG_LEVEL, write_headers=False) Add a standout handler to the logger. :Parameters: **logger** : :obj:`logging.Logger` Logger to add the file handler to. **level** : :class:`python:int`, default: 10 Level of logging. The default is ``10``, in which case the ``logging.DEBUG`` level is used. **write_headers** : :ref:`bool `, default: :data:`python:False` Whether to write headers to the file. :Returns: :obj:`Logger` :class:`Logger` or :class:`logging.Logger` object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: LOG_LEVEL .. py:data:: FILE_NAME :value: 'pyansys-geometry.log' .. py:data:: DEBUG .. py:data:: INFO .. py:data:: WARN .. py:data:: ERROR .. py:data:: CRITICAL .. py:data:: STDOUT_MSG_FORMAT :value: '%(levelname)s - %(instance_name)s - %(module)s - %(funcName)s - %(message)s' .. py:data:: FILE_MSG_FORMAT .. py:data:: DEFAULT_STDOUT_HEADER :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """ LEVEL - INSTANCE NAME - MODULE - FUNCTION - MESSAGE """ .. raw:: html
.. py:data:: DEFAULT_FILE_HEADER .. py:data:: NEW_SESSION_HEADER .. py:data:: LOG .. py:data:: string_to_loglevel