The ```` module ======================== .. py:module:: ansys.geometry.core.errors Summary ------- .. py:currentmodule:: errors .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Exceptions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~ansys.geometry.core.errors.GeometryRuntimeError` - Provides error message when Geometry service passes a runtime error. * - :py:obj:`~ansys.geometry.core.errors.GeometryExitedError` - Provides error message to raise when Geometry service has exited. .. tab-item:: Functions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~handler` - Pass signal to the custom interrupt handler. * - :py:obj:`~protect_grpc` - Capture gRPC exceptions and raise a more succinct error message. .. tab-item:: Constants .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~SIGINT_TRACKER` - .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: GeometryRuntimeError GeometryExitedError Description ----------- Provides PyAnsys Geometry-specific errors. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module detail ------------- .. py:function:: handler(sig, frame) Pass signal to the custom interrupt handler. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: protect_grpc(func) Capture gRPC exceptions and raise a more succinct error message. This method captures the ``KeyboardInterrupt`` exception to avoid segfaulting the Geometry service. While this works some of the time, it does not work all of the time. For some reason, gRPC still captures SIGINT. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: SIGINT_TRACKER :value: []