The ```` module ================================== .. py:module:: ansys.geometry.core.connection.product_instance Summary ------- .. py:currentmodule:: product_instance .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Classes .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~ansys.geometry.core.connection.product_instance.ProductInstance` - ``ProductInstance`` class. .. tab-item:: Functions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~prepare_and_start_backend` - Start the requested service locally using the ``ProductInstance`` class. * - :py:obj:`~get_available_port` - Return an available port to be used. .. tab-item:: Constants .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~WINDOWS_GEOMETRY_SERVICE_FOLDER` - Default Geometry Service's folder name into the unified installer. * - :py:obj:`~DISCOVERY_FOLDER` - Default Discovery's folder name into the unified installer. * - :py:obj:`~SPACECLAIM_FOLDER` - Default SpaceClaim's folder name into the unified installer. * - :py:obj:`~ADDINS_SUBFOLDER` - Default global Addins's folder name into the unified installer. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_SUBFOLDER` - Default backend's folder name into the ``ADDINS_SUBFOLDER`` folder. * - :py:obj:`~MANIFEST_FILENAME` - Default backend's add-in filename. * - :py:obj:`~GEOMETRY_SERVICE_EXE` - The Windows Geometry Service's filename. * - :py:obj:`~DISCOVERY_EXE` - The Ansys Discovery's filename. * - :py:obj:`~SPACECLAIM_EXE` - The Ansys SpaceClaim's filename. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_LOG_LEVEL_VARIABLE` - The backend's log level environment variable for local start. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_TRACE_VARIABLE` - The backend's enable trace environment variable for local start. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_HOST_VARIABLE` - The backend's ip address environment variable for local start. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_PORT_VARIABLE` - The backend's port number environment variable for local start. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_LOGS_FOLDER_VARIABLE` - The backend's logs folder path to be used. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_API_VERSION_VARIABLE` - The backend's api version environment variable for local start. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_SPACECLAIM_OPTIONS` - The additional argument for local Ansys Discovery start. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_ADDIN_MANIFEST_ARGUMENT` - The argument to specify the backend's add-in manifest file's path. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_SPACECLAIM_HIDDEN` - The argument to hide SpaceClaim's UI on the backend. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_SPACECLAIM_HIDDEN_ENVVAR_KEY` - SpaceClaim hidden backend's environment variable key. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_SPACECLAIM_HIDDEN_ENVVAR_VALUE` - SpaceClaim hidden backend's environment variable value. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_DISCOVERY_HIDDEN` - The argument to hide Discovery's UI on the backend. * - :py:obj:`~BACKEND_SPLASH_OFF` - The argument to specify the backend's add-in manifest file's path. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ProductInstance Description ----------- Module containing the ``ProductInstance`` class. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module detail ------------- .. py:function:: prepare_and_start_backend(backend_type: ansys.geometry.core.connection.backend.BackendType, product_version: int = None, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = None, enable_trace: bool = False, api_version: ansys.geometry.core.connection.backend.ApiVersions = ApiVersions.LATEST, timeout: int = 150, manifest_path: str = None, hidden: bool = False, server_log_level: int = 2, client_log_level: int = logging.INFO, server_logs_folder: str = None, client_log_file: str = None, log_level: int = None, logs_folder: str = None) -> ansys.geometry.core.modeler.Modeler Start the requested service locally using the ``ProductInstance`` class. When calling this method, a standalone service or product session is started. By default, if an endpoint is specified (by defining `host` and `port` parameters) but the endpoint is not available, the startup will fail. Otherwise, it will try to launch its own service. :Parameters: **product_version: ``int``, optional** The product version to be started. Goes from v23.2.1 to the latest. Default is ``None``. If a specific product version is requested but not installed locally, a SystemError will be raised. **host: str, optional** IP address at which the Geometry service will be deployed. By default, its value will be ``localhost``. **port** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` Port at which the Geometry service will be deployed. By default, its value will be ``None``. **enable_trace** : :ref:`bool `, :obj:`optional` Boolean enabling the logs trace on the Geometry service console window. By default its value is ``False``. **api_version: ``ApiVersions``, optional** The backend's API version to be used at runtime. Goes from API v21 to the latest. Default is ``ApiVersions.LATEST``. **timeout** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` Timeout for starting the backend startup process. The default is 150. **manifest_path** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`optional` Used to specify a manifest file path for the ApiServerAddin. This way, it is possible to run an ApiServerAddin from a version an older product version. Only applicable for Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim. **hidden** : :obj:`starts` :obj:`the` :obj:`product` :obj:`hiding` :obj:`its` UI. :obj:`Default` :obj:`is` ``False``. .. **server_log_level** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` Backend's log level from 0 to 3: 0: Chatterbox 1: Debug 2: Warning 3: Error The default is ``2`` (Warning). **client_log_level** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` Logging level to apply to the client. By default, INFO level is used. Use the logging module's levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. **server_logs_folder** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`optional` Sets the backend's logs folder path. If nothing is defined, the backend will use its default path. **client_log_file** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`optional` Sets the client's log file path. If nothing is defined, the client will log to the console. **log_level** : :class:`python:int`, :obj:`optional` DEPRECATED. Use ``server_log_level`` instead. **logs_folder** : :class:`python:str`, :obj:`optional` DEPRECATED. Use ``server_logs_folder`` instead. :Returns: :obj:`Modeler` Instance of the Geometry service. :Raises: :obj:`ConnectionError` If the specified endpoint is already in use, a connection error will be raised. :obj:`SystemError` If there is not an Ansys product 23.2 version or later installed or if a specific product's version is requested but not installed locally then a SystemError will be raised. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: get_available_port() -> int Return an available port to be used. :Returns: :class:`python:int` The available port. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: WINDOWS_GEOMETRY_SERVICE_FOLDER :value: 'GeometryService' Default Geometry Service's folder name into the unified installer. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: DISCOVERY_FOLDER :value: 'Discovery' Default Discovery's folder name into the unified installer. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: SPACECLAIM_FOLDER :value: 'scdm' Default SpaceClaim's folder name into the unified installer. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: ADDINS_SUBFOLDER :value: 'Addins' Default global Addins's folder name into the unified installer. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_SUBFOLDER :value: 'ApiServer' Default backend's folder name into the ``ADDINS_SUBFOLDER`` folder. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: MANIFEST_FILENAME :value: 'Presentation.ApiServerAddIn.Manifest.xml' Default backend's add-in filename. To be used only for local start of Ansys Discovery or Ansys SpaceClaim. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: GEOMETRY_SERVICE_EXE :value: 'Presentation.ApiServerDMS.exe' The Windows Geometry Service's filename. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: DISCOVERY_EXE :value: 'Discovery.exe' The Ansys Discovery's filename. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: SPACECLAIM_EXE :value: 'SpaceClaim.exe' The Ansys SpaceClaim's filename. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_LOG_LEVEL_VARIABLE :value: 'LOG_LEVEL' The backend's log level environment variable for local start. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_TRACE_VARIABLE :value: 'ENABLE_TRACE' The backend's enable trace environment variable for local start. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_HOST_VARIABLE :value: 'API_ADDRESS' The backend's ip address environment variable for local start. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_PORT_VARIABLE :value: 'API_PORT' The backend's port number environment variable for local start. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_LOGS_FOLDER_VARIABLE :value: 'ANS_DSCO_REMOTE_LOGS_FOLDER' The backend's logs folder path to be used. Only applicable to the Ansys Geometry Service. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_API_VERSION_VARIABLE :value: 'API_VERSION' The backend's api version environment variable for local start. To be used only with Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_SPACECLAIM_OPTIONS :value: '--spaceclaim-options' The additional argument for local Ansys Discovery start. To be used only with Ansys Discovery. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_ADDIN_MANIFEST_ARGUMENT :value: '/ADDINMANIFESTFILE=' The argument to specify the backend's add-in manifest file's path. To be used only with Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_SPACECLAIM_HIDDEN :value: '/Headless=True' The argument to hide SpaceClaim's UI on the backend. To be used only with Ansys SpaceClaim. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_SPACECLAIM_HIDDEN_ENVVAR_KEY :value: 'SPACECLAIM_MODE' SpaceClaim hidden backend's environment variable key. To be used only with Ansys SpaceClaim. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_SPACECLAIM_HIDDEN_ENVVAR_VALUE :value: '2' SpaceClaim hidden backend's environment variable value. To be used only with Ansys SpaceClaim. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_DISCOVERY_HIDDEN :value: '--hidden' The argument to hide Discovery's UI on the backend. To be used only with Ansys Discovery. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: BACKEND_SPLASH_OFF :value: '/Splash=False' The argument to specify the backend's add-in manifest file's path. To be used only with Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!