--- jupytext: text_representation: extension: .mystnb format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.14.1 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) language: python name: python3 --- # Modeling: Scale, map and mirror bodies The purpose of this notebook is to demonstrate the ``map()`` and ``scale()`` functions and their usage for transforming bodies. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Imports import numpy as np from ansys.geometry.core import launch_modeler from ansys.geometry.core.math import ( Frame, Plane, Point2D, Point3D, UNITVECTOR3D_X, UNITVECTOR3D_Y, UNITVECTOR3D_Z, ) from ansys.geometry.core.sketch import Sketch ``` ## Initialize the modeler ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Initialize the modeler for this example notebook m = launch_modeler() print(m) ``` ## Scale body The ``scale()`` function is designed to modify the size of 3D bodies by a specified scale factor. This function is a important part of geometric transformations, allowing for the dynamic resizing of bodies. ### Usage of ``scale()`` To use the ``scale()`` function, you call it on an instance of a geometry body, passing a single argument: the scale value. This value is a real number (``Real``) that determines the factor by which the body's size will be changed. ```python body.scale(value) ``` ### Example: Making a cube The following code snippets show how to change the size of a cube using the ``scale()`` function in ``Body`` objects. The process involves initializing a sketch design for the cube, defining the shape parameters, and then performing a rescaling operation to generate the new shape. #### Initialize the cube sketch design A new design sketch named "cube" is created. ```{code-cell} ipython3 design = m.create_design("cube") ``` #### Define cube parameters ``side_length`` is set to 10 units, representing the side length of the cube. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Cube parameters side_length = 10 ``` #### Create the profile cube A square box is created centered on the origin using ``side_length`` as the side length of the square. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Square with side length 10 box_sketch = Sketch().box(Point2D([0, 0]), side_length, side_length) box_sketch.plot() ``` #### Create cube body ``extrude_sketch`` on the ``box_sketch`` as the base sketch and create the 3D cube with ``distance`` being the ``side_length``. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Extrude the cube profile by a distance of side_length cube = design.extrude_sketch("box", box_sketch, side_length) design.plot() ``` #### Making the cube twice as large - Copy the original cube. Using ``scale()`` with a value of 2, double the side lengths of the cube, thereby making the body twice as large, and then offset it to view the difference. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Copy the original cube doubled = cube.copy(cube.parent_component, "doubled_box") # Double the size doubled.scale(2) # Translate the copied cube in the x direction doubled.translate(UNITVECTOR3D_X, 30) design.plot() ``` #### Halfing the size of the *original* cube Copy the original cube. Using ``scale()`` with a value of 0.5 effectively halves the side lengths of the cube. Then, offset the new cube to view the difference. Note: Because the size of the cube in the previous cell was doubled, using the 0.25 factor translates it to half the size of the original cube. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Copy the original cube halved = cube.copy(cube.parent_component, "halved_box") # Half the size halved.scale(0.5) # Translate the copied cube in the x direction halved.translate(UNITVECTOR3D_X, -25) design.plot() ``` +++ ## Map body The ``map()`` function enables the reorientation of 3D bodies by mapping them onto a new specified frame. This function is used for adjusting the orientation of geometric bodies within 3D space to match specific reference frames. With this function, you are able to effectively perform translation and rotation operations in a single method by specifying a new frame. ### Usage of ``map()`` To use the ``map()`` function, invoke it on an instance of a geometry body with a single argument: the new frame to map the body to. The frame is a structure or object that defines the new orientation parameters for the body. ```python body.map(new_frame) ``` ### Example: Creating an asymmetric cube The following code snippets show how to use the ``map()`` function to reframe a cube body in the ``Body`` object. The process involves initializing a sketch design for the custom body, extruding the profile by a distance, and then performing the mapping operation to rotate the shape. #### Initialize the shape sketch design A new design sketch named "asymmetric_cube" is created. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Initialize the sketch design design = m.create_design("asymmetric_cube") ``` #### Create an asymmetric sketch profile Make a sketch profile that is basically a cube centered on the origin with a side length of 2 with a cutout. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Create the cube profile with a cut through it asymmetric_profile = Sketch() ( asymmetric_profile.segment(Point2D([1, 1]), Point2D([-1, 1])) .segment_to_point(Point2D([0, 0.5])) .segment_to_point(Point2D([-1, -1])) .segment_to_point(Point2D([1, -1])) .segment_to_point(Point2D([1, 1])) ) asymmetric_profile.plot() ``` #### Create the asymmetric body ``extrude_sketch`` on the ``asymmetric_profile`` as the base sketch, creating the 3D cube with a cutout, with the ``distance`` being 1. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Extrude the asymmetric profile by a distance of 1 unit body = design.extrude_sketch("box", asymmetric_profile, 1) design.plot() ``` #### Apply map reframing First make a copy of the shape and translate it in 3D space so that you can view them side by side. Then, apply the reframing to the copied shape. Note: The following map uses the default x direction, but the y direction is swapped with the z direction, effectively rotating the original shape so that it is standing vertically. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Copy the body copied_body = body.copy(body.parent_component, "copied_body") # Apply the reframing copied_body.map(Frame(Point3D([0, 0, 0]), UNITVECTOR3D_X, UNITVECTOR3D_Z)) # Shift the new modified body in the plane in the negative y direction by 2 units copied_body.translate(UNITVECTOR3D_Y, -2) design.plot() ``` +++ ## Mirror body The ``mirror()`` function is designed to mirror the geometry of a body across a specified plane. This function plays a role in geometric transformations, enabling the reflection of bodies to create symmetrical designs. ### Usage of ``mirror()`` To use the ``mirror()`` function, you call it on an instance of a geometry body, passing a single argument: the plane across which to mirror the body. This plane is represented by a ``Plane`` object, defining the axis of symmetry for the mirroring operation. ```python body.mirror(plane) ``` ### Example: Triangle body The following code snippets show how to use the ``mirror()`` function to reframe a cube body in the ``Body`` object. The process involves initializing a sketch design for the body profile, extruding the profile by a distance, and then performing the mirroring operation to reflect the shape over the specified axis. #### Initialize the shape sketch design A new design sketch named "triangle" is created. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Initialize the sketch design design = m.create_design("triangle") ``` #### Define parameters `point1`: First vertex of the triangle. `point2`: Second vertex of the triangle. `point3`: Third vertex of the triangle. ```{code-cell} ipython3 point1 = Point2D([5, 0]) point2 = Point2D([2.5, 2.5]) point3 = Point2D([2.5, -2.5]) ``` #### Create triangle sketch profile Using ``point1``, ``point2``, and ``point3``, define the vertices of the triangle profile using those three points and then create line segments connecting them. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Draw the triangle sketch profile sketch = Sketch() sketch.segment(start=point1, end=point2) sketch.segment(start=point2, end=point3) sketch.segment(start=point3, end=point1) sketch.plot() ``` #### Create triangular body Using the sketch profile created in the previous step, use the ``extrude_sketch`` method to create a solid body with a depth of 1. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Extrude the triangular body by a distance of 1 triangle = design.extrude_sketch("triangle_body", sketch, 1) design.plot() ``` #### Mirror the triangular body We will first make a copy of the triangular body, then using ``mirror()``, we will mirror the copied body over the ZY plane. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Copy triangular body mirrored_triangle = triangle.copy(triangle.parent_component, "mirrored_triangle") # Mirror the copied body over the ZY plane (specified by the (0, 1, 0) and # (0, 0, 1) unit vectors) mirrored_triangle.mirror(Plane(direction_x=UNITVECTOR3D_Y, direction_y=UNITVECTOR3D_Z)) design.plot() ``` ## Closing the modeler ```{code-cell} ipython3 m.close() ```