The ```` module ====================== .. py:module:: ansys.geometry.core.math.misc Summary ------- .. py:currentmodule:: misc .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Functions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~get_two_circle_intersections` - Get the intersection points of two circles. Description ----------- Provides auxiliary math functions for PyAnsys Geometry. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module detail ------------- .. py:function:: get_two_circle_intersections(x0: ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, y0: ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, r0: ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, x1: ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, y1: ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, r1: ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real) -> tuple[tuple[ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real], tuple[ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real, ansys.geometry.core.typing.Real]] | None Get the intersection points of two circles. :Parameters: **x0** : :obj:`Real` x coordinate of the first circle. **y0** : :obj:`Real` y coordinate of the first circle. **r0** : :obj:`Real` Radius of the first circle. **x1** : :obj:`Real` x coordinate of the second circle. **y1** : :obj:`Real` y coordinate of the second circle. **r1** : :obj:`Real` Radius of the second circle. :Returns: :class:`python:tuple`\[:class:`python:tuple`\[:obj:`Real`, :obj:`Real`], :class:`python:tuple`\[:obj:`Real`, :obj:`Real`]] | :data:`python:None` Intersection points of the two circles if they intersect. The points are returned as ``((x3, y3), (x4, y4))``, where ``(x3, y3)`` and ``(x4, y4)`` are the intersection points of the two circles. If the circles do not intersect, then ``None`` is returned. .. rubric:: Notes This function is based on the following StackOverflow post: That post is based on the following implementation: .. !! processed by numpydoc !!